Uncomfort Zone

"You can be comfortable or courageous.  But you cannot be both."  

- Brene Brown

There's not a whole lot in this world that makes me squirm.  I can talk to almost anybody.  I'm not afraid of public speaking.  I am thrilled by heights.  I will kill a spider.  I don't care what most people think... and for those reasons I like to think that I'm pretty courageous.  Recently, however, I have learned that I'm a bit more squirmy than I thought.

I'm at a place in my life where the Lord has called me out.  He's asked me to do some things that I am not so comfortable with, and he has stretched me far beyond what I wanted to be stretched.  I don't like feeling uncomfortable.  I feel exposed and vulnerable and like I might not be able to do these certain things because I'm unfamiliar with them.  

So many times fear has crept in and nearly paralyzed me.  It's made me afraid of walking in obedience, of chasing the dreams that have been put in my heart by God, and of simply moving forward because of failure.  If I let fear paralyze me, I'm never going to see any fruit; there will be no progress.

This is teaching me many things:

You see, I need to be courageous.  That doesn't mean that I'm not afraid.  It simply means that despite the fear, I move forward.  I act despite the fear.  It means that it's ok to do it scared.  As a matter of fact, that's when you grow and learn the most.  You can't rely on yourself; when you rely on your support system and lean into Christ you are so much more brave.  The support seems to take away the vulnerability.  

If you choose to live comfortably, that's ok, but realize that you won't grow much.  You won't see all that God has for you, and you certainly won't be allowed to open up your dreamer.  You only achieve dreams when you step out despite the fear.

Be courageous and find your uncomfort zone.