The Perversion of Passion
I find myself wishing more and more that we could be done with the enemy. Just done. No more concern about him lurking around the corner. I'm tired of watching him "steal, kill, and destroy." It's not that I'm surprised by it; I'm genuinely heart broken over it. I've watched lives be destroyed and wasted for chasing after the temporary pleasures of this world. What's more is the guise these pleasures are sold under.
Let me explain.
For the past eight years, I have worked with either youth or college students in some capacity. Most of that was inside the walls of ministry, some of it was in the classroom. I got to know students, girls mostly, with some incredible talent. They could sing their hearts out, they could teach the Word, they could act, they wrote music, they made friends easily, they were gorgeous. A number of things that I saw them use for the glory of the Lord. These things would give them a platform to proclaim the gospel in front of thousands of people at a time.
And if you asked them, they wanted to be a "Christian singer," "Christian musician and composer," "Children's Minister," "Actress in Christian movies," or something along those lines.
But I watched them graduate. I watched them chase these noble dreams. Unfortunately, as they chased these dreams, the enemy did what he does best. He sold them the lie that they could do these things for the glory of the Lord, but make all the money or gain all the popularity. It became less about the Lord and the calling than it did about what they could gain with these talents. These talents got them attention and boys and friends, but it also allowed them to gain the world. The chase for these noble dreams took a drastic detour.
Satan perverted the passions of these students, and they are missing the calling.
These students are missing an abundant life using their gifts for the glory of the Lord for chasing after empty promises. They are trading faithfulness for fun and fame.
It breaks my heart to watch them sell themselves short. I can only imagine what God would accomplish through them and using their gifts well. I look at the praise and worship leaders these days and I see what these students could be. They are missing the point as they live chained to the empty promise of fame and fortune in their own name. I am so afraid for them to miss their calling. What joy to see God use you for Kingdom work!
To these students:
This isn't where you find fulfillment; fulfillment is in Christ. Be afraid to walk in disobedience and miss the calling. It's a scary thing. God can redeem where you've been. He can use that for his glory, but until then, you will never be truly fulfilled. Satan wants to lull you into disillusionment and complacency so that you are ineffective for the purposes that have been set for you to accomplish. Come back. Let the enemy be crushed under your feet as your story is redeemed, and the enemy is exposed for the fool he is.
In his song "Hookers and Robbers," Charlie Hall puts it this way, "I found the liar, the killer of hearts, but I ran away with a new way to start." The enemy's soul purpose is to destroy. He is not looking out for your good. He couldn't care less about your well-being. But God does. He is a new way start. He offers life abundantly, even though it may not mean fame and fortune.
Remember Love. He is waiting.